Laser Hair Removal
Are you ready for
- No more waxing
- No more shaving
- Softer smoother skin
- Noticeable results from the very first treatment
- No more ingrowing hairs
- Female & male technicians available
Laser Hair Removal Services in Chichester
Our studio provides a discrete, friendly and relaxed environment for all genders. Our fully trained, qualified and insured female & male Chichester hair removal technicians have over a decade of experience in this treatment. Based in Bognor Regis, we provide our Laser Hair Removal service to clients in all of the surrounding areas, covering Littlehampton, Worthing, Felpham, Chichester, Arundel and more.
Contact us now for a full consultation including; medical check, skin type assessment and laser skin patch test to ensure the best possible results. It’s also a great way for you to experience what the treatment is like and how effective it is.
Pain-free, permanent hair removal
Laser hair removal is the latest state-of-the-art technology in hair removal. It combines two technologies: IPL and RF (radio frequency). IPL or ‘Intense Pulsed Light’ is the process of transmitting precise pulses of filtered light which are absorbed by the hairs natural pigmentation, melanin. This in turn heats up the hair and destroys the cells responsible for hair growth. Radio frequency waves help to target hair follicles making the treatment much more effective and reducing the amount of IPL required. This means most skin types and hair colours can be treated safely and with far less discomfort than old fashioned IPL alone. The combination of these two technologies delivers the best results possible, resulting in greater and more permanent hair reduction with the added bonus of being pain free (not for blonde or white hair due to lack of pigment). As a positive side-effect the skin of the area being treated will be rejuvenated feeling smoother.
Our studio provides a friendly and relaxed environment, our experienced technicians are fully trained and qualified in the use of E-Light and IPL technologies.
Laser hair removal prices
Individual areas per session
- Lip: £39.99
- Lip & chin: £49.99
- Full face: £59.99
- Underarms: £ 59.99
- Linea Alba: £29.99
- Bikini line: £54.99
- Bikini – Brazilian: £59.99
- Bikini – Hollywood: £74.99
- Peri anal – additional: £15.00
- Half legs: £79.99
- Full legs from: £129.99
- Hands or Toes: £19.99
- Feet & toes from: £29.99
- Chest from: £ 89.99
Other areas: please contact to discuss pricing.
Multi area packages per session
- Lip, chin & underarms: £85
- Lip, chin, underarms & Hollywood: £125
- Hollywood & underarms: £100
- Half legs, hollywood & underarms: £165
- Full legs, hollywood & underarms: £195
Please ask for a price on any other area combination

Consultations are free. If you decide to go ahead then documentation and test patches cost £25.00.
Please note: Payment for treatment is due at each appointment. Late payments incur a late payment fee of £20.00
Laser Hair Removal in Felpham, Bognor Regis
How does Laser hair removal work?
Does laser hair removal hurt?
Is laser hair removal for me?
Where on my body can I have treatment?
What results will I see?
How long will the hairs be gone for?
The results in the majority of cases are 85-92% permanent.
Is laser hair removal safe?
Definitely. The laser targets only the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed and in fact rejuvenates the skin. You may experience some redness but this should subside within 24 hours. Laser hair removal is safe and effective, even in sensitive areas.